Lin ShihPao 林世寶

Crystal Window & Door Resident Artist 協和門窗駐場藝術家

藝術家官方網站 | Official Website of the Artist

Contemporary art creates another new tradition

I am the resident artist at the factory of Crystal Window & Door System for one year. During my year-long residence there, I saw the window and the door themselves as a kind of creation. I am moved by the hands of the seasoned window-makers. Their hands are like the eyes and the hearts, full of warmth and dedication. They use their hands to create the value of life. In the high-tech era we live in, the craftsmanship is a unique cultural heritage. The handmade contemporary art creates new tradition by the simplest and the sincerest hands.

我是在協和門窗公司駐廠一年的藝術家,在360天裡看到窗與門本身就是一種創造,造窗師傅們那雙千錘百鍊的手讓人感動,一雙有心有眼有溫度的手, 他們都用雙手的實踐打造生命的價值,,我看到在這高科技的時代,單純手工是一種世界非常獨特的文化藝術遺產, 新手工當代藝術用最簡單誠懇的雙手創造新的傳統 。

Art is life, passion and perseverance. Creating my artwork in the factory gives birth to my philosophy that simple and sincere hands are the exist for the creative ideas and energy to be let out to others. Hands can express the most beautiful and radiant thing in my life, art. It is the special essence of life.

I extended the two-dimensional paintings to three-dimensional sculptures in the Gold Age series. The glowing force within me merges the natural and manmade elements to create a state of harmony of heaven and earth.

藝術是生活、是熱情與執著,在工廠孕育出創意哲學思考方式, 這是闡述簡單誠懇的雙手所感動為藝術創作的出口,雙手能表達我生命內在發亮最美的東西,這就是藝術生命特別的本能,我以黃金年代繪畫的方式延伸到立體的造型的世界之中,發亮的內在力量融合了自然以及人為的元素,創造了一個天與地合階的作品。